Newbie Georgia Republican legislator Sam Moore has struck a blow–albeit an unpopular one–for constitutional rights, fact-based legislation, and common sense. His bill would remove restrictions on registered citizens, once their sentences are satisfied, that restrict their movements and prohibit their presence in places such as schools and parks.
Shocking as it is in Georgia, there are many jurisdictions throughout the U.S. that do not place these restrictions on registrants. Following what research shows, that these restrictions offer no public safety benefit and that community re-entry is the best path to rehabilitation, which in turn is the strongest deterrent against re-offense and the greatest assurance of increased public safety, these towns and counties follow as a matter of course that which Georgia finds shocking; furthermore, they do it with no increase in sexual re-offense or children being snatched from school playgrounds and parks by registered citizens on the prowl. Full Article / OpEd Piece
In Response to: GA: Bill would allow sex offenders at schools
T^his thread wasn’t here this morning and I had already posted this in another thread; so I’ll post it here where it belongs.
The case of the malicious sheriff:
It appears someone is finally exercising a little empirical based decision making in Georgia (Georgia Republican legislator Sam Moore ); It looks as though the scores of laws aimed only at people on the state sponsored hit list never were necessary in the first (something known to all victims of the registry) place to insure public safety, because the problem never existed in the first place and this fact is finally coming to light.
“Shocking as it is in Georgia, there are many jurisdictions throughout the U.S. that do not place these restrictions on registrants. Following what research shows, that these restrictions offer no public safety benefit and that community re-entry is the best path to rehabilitation, which in turn is the strongest deterrent against re-offense and the greatest assurance of increased public safety, these towns and counties follow as a matter of course that which Georgia finds shocking; furthermore, they do it with no increase in sexual re-offense or children being snatched from school playgrounds and parks by registered citizens on the prowl.”
And it appears someone else hanging on to a fixed and unprovable belief that ;
‘Sexual predators are one of this country’s most violent (type of) offenders.’ ”
The above statement was made by Sheriff Garrison of Cherokee County, Georgia. This frightening mentality demonstrates how thoroughly the sex offender myth/lie has permeated society here in the U.S. The only way to change this medieval mindset (short of taking up arms) is for registered citizens to join with the lawyers and other civil rights activists here in the U.S in educating the public; and one good way, often the only way for most, is to get active and be heard by posting comments citing empirical facts and statistics. I am aware that many already do this and hope the ones that don’t will eventually tire of living in the shadows and step into the light and get active and be heard.
I wish the author of this piece would get the fact’s straight too.
The statement;
“deterrent against re-offense and the greatest assurance of increased public safety”
This implies that most people on the registry are foaming at the mouth fiends with nefarious intentions towards children only. Most people on the registry do not re-offend, and this part of this article is misleading at best, but many go back to jail with new charges for things like keeping toys in a closet for when the grand kid comes over, or being in possession of a candy bar a few days before halloween, and the worse offense any registrant can commit, standing up for his or her self and being arrested on trumped up charges.
Well Said Q;-)
Great article!